Asian Journal of PEACEBUILDING

Volume 6 Number 1 (May 2018)

Table of Contents

Special Issue: Transforming Violence into Peace through Education


Soonjung Kwon and Robert Jacobs pp. 1-5
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With the publication of this special issue on peace education in the Asian Journal of Peacebuilding, one might ask why peace education is necessary today. Peace educators around the world might answer by saying that the problems we face in today’s world cannot be solved, or rather transformed, unless we change our values, attitudes, and more broadly-our paradigm. To be precise, the present world is filled with values, systems, and politics that are violent towards humans creating cultures of violence. Peace education, recognizing the cultures of violence embedded in world systems as well as in individual lives, was first established after the Second World War in 1945. As people experienced the disastrous and inhumane destruction of global war for the second time in a generation, an international call for peace was issued, and, therefore, the United Nations (UN) was established and began to emphasize a call for educative as well as advocative practices on values that can promote cultures of peace.
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