eISSN 2288-2707
Asian Journal of Peacebuilding (AJP) is a semiannual, SCOPUS-indexed, peer-reviewed journal launched by the Institute for Peace and Unification Studies (IPUS) at Seoul National University. Issues are published at the end of May and November(May 31 & November 30). It publishes original research on the topics of violence, conflict, and peacebuilding around the world. The aim of AJP is twofold. First, AJP strives to promote innovative research on issues related to peacebuilding in Asia, a region where national divisions, transitions, and developments are intertwined with new forms of threat, violence, and destruction. Second, the journal aims to disseminate peace studies conducted both in the traditional disciplines of social sciences and humanities, as well as in interdisciplinary fields at the interface of religion, culture, ecology, and gender studies.
AJP welcomes papers written by scholars from around the world, both within and outside the Asian region. Exemplary topics that AJP focuses on include but are not limited to: reconciliation in divided societies (or nations); migrants and refugees; weapons of mass destruction (WMD) developments; development and ecological destruction; historical and territorial disputes; peacemaking or mediation in intrastate conflicts; violence and transitional justice; anti-nuclear weapons (or anti-nuclear power) movements; gender issues at conflict zones; democratic transition and human rights; post-conflict institutionalization; and humanitarian assistance and protection.
AJP is indexed at SCOPUS and the Korean Citation Index (KCI). The contents of the Journal are available or abstracted at EBSCOhost™ Political Science, EBSCOhost™ Academic Search, ProQuest Political Science, ProQuest Social Science, Sociological Abstracts, Korean Studies Information Service System, Worldwide Political Science Abstracts, and International Political Science Abstracts.
For general inquiries, please email us at asianjournalofpeacebuilding@gmail.com
Current Issue
Sino-American Rapprochement and China’s Dilemma in Dealing with the Korean Peninsula Issue (1971-1976)
Zhihua Shen and Yangzi Lin -
China’s Holistic Approaches to Security: A Text-Mining Analysis of Shifting Priorities in COVID-19 Responses
Xiru Zhao and Yuji Uesugi -
Cultural and Rhetorical Violence in Cambodia-Focused Anti-Trafficking Films
Bryon Lippincott -
Ethnic Politics, Political Security, and the Selective Application of the Non-Interference Principle within ASEAN
Wen Zha -
Recent Trends in Pro-government Militias in Africa: A Useful Tool or a Threat?
Lucie Konečná
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Most Cited Articles
Nuclear Conquistadors: Military Colonialism in Nuclear Test Site Selection during the Cold War
Robert Jacobs -
Gender Values in Vietnam-Between Confucianism, Communism, and Modernization
Ingrid Grosse -
A Critique of the Need and Application of Peace Education in Pakistan
Zahid Shahab Ahmed -
Principled Nonviolence: An Imperative, Not an Optional Extra
Kevin P. Clements -
Religion and American Public Attitudes on War and Peace
James L. Guth