This article examines China’s national security through the human security framework, using the government’s response to COVID19 in both the initial phase and Omicron phase as case studies. It aims to bridge the conceptual divide between China’s and Western views on human security. The analysis reveals a shift in China’s policies, from an economic focused to a healthcentered approach, involving a prioritization of public security over individual security and a communityfocused peoplecentered strategy. These findings highlight China’s emphasis on collective wellbeing, providing insights into the distinctive features of its governance during the pandemic and how national security is intertwined with human security in this context.
Current Issue
Research Article
China’s Holistic Approaches to Security: A Text-Mining Analysis of Shifting Priorities in COVID-19 Responses
Xiru Zhao and Yuji Uesugi pp. 183-204 doi: 10.18588/202411.00a503
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