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German unification as read in the original

Unification Academies  2006.09.11

Seoul National University’s Unification Research Institute

“German unification as read in the original”

As part of the unification research project, the Institute of Unification has prepared a German language course for unification policy research with Professor Park Sung-jo of Free University of Berlin.
Unlike the superficial and fragmentary German unification studies so far, this course will guide more specific and in-depth German unification research.
Through Helmut Kohl’s memoir (Erinnerungen 1982-1990), called “The Chancellor of Unification,” you will be able to experience the urgent situation of German reunification and conflicts of interest as you read the German nuclear power plant.

1. Subject to the course

Any Seoul National University student interested in German unification or interested in German can participate.

2. Lecture hours

“It will start every Tuesday at 7 p.m. from September 2007 and run for about two hours.

3. Places

Seoul National University Cultural Center (73-dong) No. 209 Unification Research Institute

4. Inquiries

If you are interested, please contact me directly by the email below. braudel2@snu.ac.kr
