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Director & Deputies

IPUS Member List
Name Position Research Interests
Kim, Bumsoo IPUS Director / Professor, Dept. of Liberal Studies Political Theory, Democracy, Multiculturalism, Human Rights
Yoon, Jihyun IPUS Deputy Director / Head of Center for Peace Studies / Professor, Dept. of Food & Nutrition Science Food&Nutrition Policy and Food Service Management

Humanities Korea Professors & Senior Fellows (By name)

IPUS Member List
Name Position Research Interests
Baik, Jiwoon Humanities Korea Professor Chinese Studies, East Asian Thought Research
Cho, Hyun Joo Senior Fellow International conflict, Territorial disputes, Civil wars
Hahn, Monica Humanities Korea Professor Modern Korean History, the Korean War, the Border area
Kim, Philo Humanities Korea Professor / Chief of Research and Analysis Division Political Sociology, North Korean Studies, inter-Korean Relations, Unification Policy
Lee, Jong Jin Senior Fellow Cyber Security, National Strategy, Artificial Intelligence, Space Security
Lee, Moonyoung Humanities Korea Professor Russia, Post Socialism, Literature, Peace and Humanities
Lee, Uchul Senior Fellow International Political Theory, International Norms and Ethics, Security of Emerging Technologies, Economic Security

Researcher (By name)

IPUS Member List
Name Position Research Interests
Jo, Jun Hyung Assistant Researcher
Kim, Bora Researcher
Kim, Minji Researcher Politics of North Korea
Kwon, Ji Ae Researcher
Shin, Inseok Researcher North Korean Military Security, IR Theory

Office of Administration (By name)

IPUS Member List
Name Position Research Interests
Jang, Mi Sug Administrative Director
Kwon, Seon-hye Administrative Staff
Lee, Jeonghee Administrative Staff

Affilated Researchers (By name)

IPUS Member List
Name Position Research Interests
Bang, Min Ho Chief of Data and Publication Division / Professor, Dept. of Korean Language and Literature Korean literature_modern Korean novel
Chae, Su Hong Professor, Dept. of Anthropology Vietnam, Multinational corporations, Industrial relations
Choi, Jin-Yong Professor, Dept. of Landscape Architecture & Rural Systems Engineering Climate Change & Agricultural Water
Chun, Chaesung Professor, Dept. of Political Sciences and Int. Relations History of International Relations, Security Studies
Jeong, Hyeok Professor, Graduate School of International Studies growth and inequality, Korean development experience, North Korean economy, demographic transition, science and technology innovations, smart city urban development, macroeconomic dynamics of land and housing, firm dynamics and international trade, higher education reform
Jeong, Hyo-ji Professor, Dept. of Health Public Health Nutrition
Ji, Seong-tae Professor, Dept. of International Agricultural Science Agricultural Economics and Management
Jo, Dong-Joon Professor, Dept. of Political Sciences and Int. Relations International Organization
Kim, Sangbae Professor, Dept. of Political Sciences and Int. Relations The Global Politics of Information, Postmodern World Politics
Kim, Taekyoon Professor, Graduate School of International Studies International Development, Peace Studies, International Political Sociology
Koo, Min Gyo Professor, Dept. of Public Administration Korean Industrial Policy and Developmental State, Global Public Administration, International Trade Policy, East Asian Maritime Disputes, East Asian Economic Regionalism
Kwon, Young Sang Professor, Dept. of Civil & Environmental Engineering Civil & Environmental Engineering
Lee, Hyo Won Professor, Dept. of Law Constitutional Law & Law of Unification
Lee, Jung-Chul Head of Center for Unification Studies / Professor, Dept. of Political Sciences and Int. Relations Political Economy of North Korea, Inter-Korean Relations
Lim, Jongtae Professor, Dept. of Science Traditional Science History, Korean Science History
Park, Sang Min Professor, Dept. of Family Medicine Family Medicine
Park, Yong-Sung Chief of External Relations Division / Professor, Dept. of Civil & Environmental Engineering Coastal Engineering
Shin, HaeRan Chief of Education Division, Professor, Dept. of Geography Political Geography, Immigrant Research
Son, HwanCheol Professor, Dept. Urology Urology
Yi, Okyeon Professor, Dept. of Political Sciences and Int. Relations America in World Politics, Europe in World Politics
YOO, Sung-Sang Professor, Dept. of Education Educational Sociology, Global Education Cooperation

Visiting Scholar (By name)

IPUS Member List
Name Position Research Interests
Chang, Yong Seok Visiting Scholar Political Economy of North Korea, Political Changes and Democratization, Political Warfare, Strategic Stability, Emerging Technology
Chun, Hae Sung Visiting Scholar Inter-Korean Cooperation, North Korea Policy
Kim, Sung Chull Visiting Scholar Nuclear Issue, Violence and Peace Studies
Yang, Yoon-jung Visiting Scholar

Advisory Committee (By name)

IPUS Member List
Name Position Research Interests
Jeong, Gwang-Il Business Director of Overseas Koreans Foundation
Oh, Young hoon Vice-chairman of The World Assembly of Korean Associations (WAKA)