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‘Story of the People’ Competition

Unification Education Leading University Project  2019.12.26



-2019 Unification Education Leading University ‘Model Spreading’ Project: Story of the People [ SNU-Kim Il Sung University Exchange Committee]

As part of the 2019 Unification Education Leading University Project, the contest IPUS hosted the ‘Stories of the People’ competition as part of the Uniform Education Leading University project. The competition provided chances for students to express and deepen their interest, knowledge,
and various ideas about peace and unification through their submissions (written papers, essays, novels, start-up plans, webtoons, posters, videos, etc.). The competition was held at Seoul National University to motivate students to increase their knowledge of peace, prosperity, and Unification. The contest was held for about a month and on June 13, the grand prize was awarded at the
Seoul National University IPUS. The winners (Grand Prize, 2nd prize, and eight runners up) were awarded a total of 3.4 million won. The contest combined the knowledge and creative ideas of college students and played a positive role in presenting approaches to inter-Korean exchanges in various ways, including academic analysis, papers and travel essays, poetry and video production.
In addition, it generated academic interest in the Unification, which hugely resulted in raising the awareness among university students of peace and inter-Korean exchanges.
