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[제13차 국제학술회의] Europe – North Korea, Between Humanitarianism and Business

통일학  2012.12.13

Europe – North Korea, Between Humanitarianism and Business


– 주  최: 서울대 통일평화연구소, 한스자이델재단 한국사무소

– 일  시: 2010. 10. 27() 16:00~18:00– 장  소: 서울대학교 생활과학대학(222) 지하1층 최병오홀


Opening Session

Opening remarks:

Prof. Myoung-Kyu Park, Director, IPUS


Congratulatory remarks:

Marjo Crompvoets (deputy head of Mission, Embassy of the Netherlands), Prof. Woosik Moon (Director, Center for EU Studies)


Session: “The European Way toward North Korea”

Moderator: Mr. Pierre Clement DUBUISSON (Ambassador of Belgium)


“European businesses and North Korea“

Name of Speaker: Paul Tjia


“Aspects of European NGOs and EU’s Asia-Invest Programme in North Korea”

Name of Speaker: Prof. Sung-Jo Park,


“Capacity building in North Korea the experience of Hanns-Seidel-Foundation“

Name of Speaker: Dr. Bernhard Seliger,


Book Presentation



