* 발표자: Dr. Helmut Assfalg (Jena응용대학 경영학 교수) -경력: 1976년 독일 하이델베르그 대학에서 경영학 박사학위 취득 1988-1992 아디다스 기획실 Vice President 1992-1994 Pfersee-Kolbermoor, Chief Controller 1994년부터 독일 Jena 응용대학에서 교수 재임 중 -전공: Management/Controlling, Strategic Planning, Managerial Accounting, Business Simulation Games, Sports Management * 발표 제목: “From Flourishing Landscapes” to the “End of the Illusion”?-Experiences in West and East Germany 1989-2007) * 발표 일시: 2007년 8월 21일(화) 오전 11시~12시 * 발표 장소: 통일연구소 세미나실 (문화관(73동) 2층) * 발표내용 (Western Point of View)■ Surprise! •When the Berlin wall came down, I was in France to visit adidas’ subsidiary.•As always I called my wife, that I had arrived safely.•She said: „Watch TV, the wall is open!“•I couldn’t believe it: „You are overtired, go to bed.“ (Western Point of View)■ Shock! •Directly after the Berlin wall came down, many East Germans drove with their „Trabbis“ and „Wartburgs“ to the nearest large city in West Germany.⋯